So, for this page, I dug out an old copy of teen vogue. I really don't read it, I just picked up a copy once because it had like makeup tips or something in it. I searched until I found a page with a sufficient amount of words on it. Then, I circled the ones I liked and marked out the others. on the opposite page, I wrote some song lyrics that had to do with words. The song is "Words" by Hawk Nelson.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Rip This Page...
This page was actually kind of difficult for me to accomplish. As one who loves books, tearing one up is rather painful. I can see why the next page said to tape the pages together though, because otherwise the page you tore up wouldn't stay in the book anymore.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tape... And a Nyan Cat
I have a lot of painter's tape that I got at a garage sale a few months ago. I had originally planned on using it to tape around my screenprinting frame. However, sometimes I find other uses for it. And I'm pretty sure this is my favourite page yet.
So today I was a little adventurous. I did a page that was actually mildly destructive. I'm not used to tearing things up, so this was a little out of my comfort zone and quite fun. I just grabbed the nearest sharp object and went at it. That object happened to be a pink pair of safety scissors that I've had since 3rd grade, but it was sharp enough to do the damage that the picture shows. I actually made a hole in the page.
It reminds me of the scratching cards that we used to use for crafts when we were little. It's basically black paint on a slick piece of colorful cardboard. You scratch off the paint to make a design. I always got upset because I'm a perfectionist with flaws and always ended up with accidental scratches through the black. It took me quite a while to figure out that even perfect art has flaws.
Btw, I have another blog for other stuff :
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The first "real" page that I worked on and completed was one that said "trace your hand". So, I did. And did. And did. Then I found a quote about hands. To finish it up, I put song lyrics from the song "best song ever (give me your hand)" by the ready set.
I kind of hated the way it looked at first, but I kept working with it until I was satisfied. I guess that's the way art is supposed to work. And life too I guess. You stat out with something you don't like, then work to make it better, as close to perfect as you can get it.
Who knew there were so many ways to write a name. And now, when I think about it, there are tons more that weren't covered here.
Wreck This Journal
Okay, so today I bought a new journal. It's kinda like a smash book, but even more creative and free spirited. It's called "Wreck This Journal". I have a friend who has done one before and I've never had the opportunity to buy one until now.
Basically, it is a journal that has instructions on every page. Things like tearing a page out or drawing something ugly or spitting on the page. It's meant to help you push yourself past your limits as a creator so that you can be even more creative than you ever thought you could be.
So, along with starting this journal, I figured I would start a new blog. This is going to be about me overcoming the roadblocks that are in my way as a creator. Breaking free of the chains of conformity and normal thinking.
For now, I'm just going to blog about the journal, but as time goes by, who knows what will happen. I may end up surprising myself.
So, I hope this will be a growing experience for me as a creator and will hopefully inspire you to create also.
Love, Lizzy